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Hello!       My name is Karissa Force. I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, residing in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. I am educated from Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI), where I studied under some of the most talented, educated hypnotherapists in the business! 

I would like to think that hypnotherapy found me, rather than me finding it. That is how the Universe works after all. When I heard of hypnotherapy, much like you I'm sure, I thought it was all strictly mind-control. I assumed Hypnosis was only for getting on stage and making a fool out of yourself. Well... I couldn't have been more wrong about it! My first hypnosis session changed my life forever, I was a struggling stay-at-home mom, so deep in postpartum blues, hormones all crazy, and pregnant with my son. My life was in shambles from my perspective. It was easy to cry or yell, but so hard to laugh or smile. Then I discovered Delores Cannon (thank you, TikTok.), which then lead me to learning about hypnosis, and having my first session. My results astonished me, to say the least.  This was just catalyst that started it all. I knew from that day, If ONE session, could help me THAT MUCH with something I had been struggling with for so long, what else can it do? How do learn this tool, become an expert with it to help other struggling moms, dads, children, etc.?   THAT IS WHEN I KNEW I HAVE FOUND MY LIFE PATH.  I am so very thankful each and every day to be able to have gained the knowledge to be able to be of service to others in such a natural, holistic way.

I am devoted to creating a space for anyone to come and feel safe.

                                                          NO JUDGMENT, NO SHAME, NO CRITISIM. 

I am not perfect, so if you're looking for a hypnotherapist to just check the boxes in the utmost formal way, I might not be the right fit for you. I am raw and real. I've experienced life in all forms, the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. 

I've had extreme lows, horrible and cruel thoughts about others and myself. I have cried for what felt like months on end.

                                                             I HAVE BEEN THROUGH IT TOO. 

I am here to help you get through out too. Because whatever it is, whether it's feeling more confident in your own skin, learning a new skill, changing a toxic behavior, etc. I will be there for YOU, cheering you on for every single small step. 
As a passionate Hypnotherapist, I enjoy working one-on-one with people in my Pennsylvania practice or via Zoom where I meet clients from all over the globe! I take pride in the difference I have made in so many lives. I'm excited to help you unlock the full potential of your mind and body through the science of hypnosis. Whether you're seeking relief from anxiety and stress, improved sleep, better health, or personal growth, I'm here to guide you on your journey. As an experienced hypnotist, I'll tailor each session to your unique needs and goals, making sure you feel SAFE, COMFORTABLE, and EMPOWERED, while we work together and even after your goals are met! So, let's get started and see what's possible for you with hypnosis!



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